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Fig. 3 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Fish predation on corals promotes the dispersal of coral symbionts

Fig. 3

The communities of Symbiodiniaceae in obligate corallivore (coral-eating animal) feces are most similar to the communities of Symbiodiniaceae in two locally abundant coral species. Mean relative abundance of hits to a given Symbiodiniaceae genus in corals, obligate corallivore feces, facultative corallivore feces, grazer/detritivore feces, and reef-associated sediment and water (all included samples had > 1000 reads). Mean relative abundances were calculated across all samples from a species or sample category. Dashes (“-”) indicate that a Symbiodiniaceae genus was not detected in any of the samples from a fish species or sample category. Squares appearing white but without a “- “had low (≤1%) but still detectable mean relative abundances. Different letters indicate significant differences in Symbiodiniaceae community compositions based on pairwise PERMANOVA tests (p < 0.05, using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple comparisons) using Bray-Curtis distances based on randomly subsampled (n = 12) untransformed data (Table S1, S4). Overall PERMANOVA test results: df = 6, F = 17.30, R2 = 0.58, p = 0.001. Species and sample categories (and the fraction of samples that had > 1000 reads and were thus included in the analysis) are as follows: Corals: Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora (11/12); Pocillopora species complex, Pocillopora (12/12); Porites lobata species complex, Porites (12/12). Obligate corallivores: Chaetodon reticulatus, CHRE (11/11); Chaetodon lunulatus, CHLU (8/8); Chaetodon ornatissimus, CHOR (14/14); Amanses scopas, AMSC (7/7). Facultative corallivores: Chaetodon pelewensis, CHPE (8/8); Chaetodon citrinellus, CHCI (6/6); and Chlorurus spilurus CHSP (8/8). Grazer/Detritivores: Ctenochaetus striatus, CTST (6/6); and Ctenochaetus flavicauda, CTFL (7/8). Sediment and water: Sediment, SED (12/12); Water, WAT (7/12). For data used, see Additional file 2

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