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Fig. 6 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 6

From: Classification and prediction of Mycobacterium Avium subsp. Paratuberculosis (MAP) shedding severity in cattle based on young stock heifer faecal microbiota composition using random forest algorithms

Fig. 6

Accuracy of the samples classification into shedding groups. A and B show classification for samples from the different life periods: “Early”—younger than 12 month, “Middle”from 12 to 24 month, “Late”—older than 24 months, and “All”—samples randomly drawn from all age groups. A Box-plot of AUC per life period group—every dot represents AUC obtained in a single permutation; **** level of significance corresponds to p < 0.0001. B ROC curves plot—thin half-transparent lines represent ROC curves of individual permutations and thick solid lines are median ROC curves per group. C shows the number of miss-classified samples per animal when all samples from the corresponding animal removed from the RF model training dataset and used as the validation; samples are faceted by shedding status

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