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Fig. 5 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 5

From: Consistent changes in the intestinal microbiota of Atlantic salmon fed insect meal diets

Fig. 5

Significant associations between sample metadata and microbial clades in the digesta. a Heatmap summarizing significant associations between sample metadata and microbial clades in the digesta. Color key: − log(q value) * sign(coefficient). Cells that denote significant associations are colored in red or blue and overlaid with a plus (+) or minus (−) sign that indicates the direction of association: Diet (+), higher relative abundance in salmon fed the insect meal diet; Segment (+), higher relative abundance in the distal intestine; foxp3 (+)/plin2 (+), positive correlation between microbial clade relative abundance and gene expression levels. b Representative taxa showing higher relative abundances in salmon fed the reference diet. c Representative taxa showing higher relative abundances in salmon fed the insect meal diet. The relative abundances of representative taxa in the feeds are shown as grey dots in b, c. As the number of taxa showing significant associations with diet was too high to be properly displayed on the heatmap, we filtered the results to keep those with a q value < 0.0001. Complete results are available in our accompanying R Markdown report (download our GitHub repository,, and open the file code/11_multivariable_association.html). Taxa not assigned at the genus level are prepended with letters indicating whether the taxonomic assignment was made at the phylum(p_), order (o_), or family (f_) level. REF, reference diet; IM, insect meal diet; PI, proximal intestine; DI, distal intestine; FDR, false discovery rate;, number of observations that are not zero

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