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Fig. 2 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Fecal microbiome of horses transitioning between warm-season and cool-season grass pasture within integrated rotational grazing systems

Fig. 2

Fecal microbiota β-diversity following transitions between cool-season and warm-season grass. Metrics including a Weighted UniFrac, b Unweighted UniFrac, c Bray Curtis Dissimilarity, and d Jaccard Index were analyzed for transitions from cool-season to warm-season grass (C–W) and warm-season to cool-season grass (W–C) in both the bermudagrass integrated rotational grazing system (BRS) and the crabgrass integrated system (CRS). Individual horses are designated with two-letter abbreviations and arranged such that horses on the darker end of the color spectrum grazed in BRS (n = 4) and horses on the lighter end of the color spectrum grazed in CRS (n = 4). Analysis by PERMANOVA with the Adonis action in Qiime 2 (v.2020.8) found that the influence of individual horse was the most influential factor shaping β-diversity across all metrics (R2 ≥ 24; P = 0.001)

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