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Table 1 The effects of inclusion of nonfat dry milk (NFDM) or the bovine colostrum fraction (BC) on ileal digesta components with literature-supported anti-inflammatory effects on tissues varied according to the involved biochemical pathway components

From: Short-term feeding of defatted bovine colostrum mitigates inflammation in the gut via changes in metabolites and microbiota in a chicken animal model

  1. Data represent the means ± SEM of the Scaled Imputed Values of metabolites that were increased by either BC or NFDM identified by the metabolomic analysis to be consistently changes across the two experimental replicates and the source(s) of the colostrum. Control, basal diet, n = 11. NFDM. N = 11. BC, n = 20. General Linear Model (GLM) contrast statement coding and weighting indicated in line 2 under GLM Specific Treatment Contrasts. The statistical comparisons of Scaled Imputed Values between control (#1), NFDM (#2) and BC (#3) treatments are shown in the far-right columns with the shades of red colors indicating increases or shades of green colors indicating decreases in significance (or trends). Comparisons highlighted in grey are not significant.