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Fig. 4 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Host metabolome and faecal microbiome shows potential interactions impacted by age and weaning times in calves

Fig. 4

Age-dependent changes in plasma metabolites concentrations of earlyC and lateC calves. a, b Metabolic profiles of different age group earlyC (n = 174) and lateC (n = 153) plasma samples visualized using PLS-DA score plots. Each shape indicates one sample coloured according to the age group with ellipse indicating the 95% confidence region. c Heatmap of the significantly altered metabolites due to calves age (VIP > 1, FDR < 0.001, ANOVA). Each day represents an average concentration of metabolites for animals: d1 (20 & 22), d28 (24 & 21), d42 (24 & 23), d70 (25 & 21), d98 (27 & 21), d112 (27 & 23), and d140 (27 & 22) animals for earlyC and lateC groups, respectively

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