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Fig. 3 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Wild primate microbiomes prevent weight gain in germ-free mice

Fig. 3

Unweighted UNIFRAC beta diversity per treatment group, individual NHP donors, NHP donor pool used for the FMT, and USA humans. FMT here indicates the pooled fecal samples used to make the single-dose FMT gavage, whereas donors indicate the individual fecal samples used to create the pooled dose. Fecal pellet samples cluster by treatment group. Adonis permutation test showed statistically significant clustering by treatment group (R2 = 0.24673, p < 0.001) with the majority of the difference explained by the FMT administered (R2 = 0.18365) rather than diet (R2 = 0.03597). USA human indicates unweighted UNIFRAC beta diversity of fecal samples from USA individuals from the Global Gut study and fecal samples from this study. The captive groups cluster closer with USA individuals than wild groups (Adonis test R2 = 0.15861, p < 0.001). A straight line was added to highlight the difference in clustering between wild and captive samples.

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