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Fig. 2 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 2

From: Characterization of the gut microbiome in wild rocky mountainsnails (Oreohelix strigosa)

Fig. 2

A Relative abundance of bacterial phyla contributing at least 1% in each snail sample set. B Three-way Venn diagram of the microbial OTU composition in the guts of members of O. strigosa from adult, fetal, and starved groups. C Non-metric multi-dimensional dimensional scaling analyses for (upper) adult vs. fetal samples (PERMANOVA: p-value < 0.001, R2-value = 0.095) and (lower) starved vs. non-starved samples (PERMANOVA: p-value < 0.002, R2-value = 0.038). D Diversity boxplots showing differences in species richness, species evenness, and Shannon Index of adult, fetal, and starved groups. Jitter shows distribution of samples. Letters above bars indicate significant differences

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