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Fig. 3 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Modulation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) gut microbiota composition and predicted metabolic capacity by feeding diets with processed black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meals and fractions

Fig. 3

Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) effect size (LEfSe) results on gut microbiota of fish. Circular cladogram reporting LEfSe results presents the identified amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) distributed according to phylogenetic characteristics around the circle (a). The dots closest to the center represent ASVs at the phylum level, whereas the outer circle of dots represent ASVs at the genus level. The color of the dots and sectors indicate the dietary group in which the respective ASVs are most abundant. The color explanation is given above the cladogram. Yellow color indicates ASVs that showed similar abundance in all dietary groups. The colored sectors give information on phylum, class (full name in outermost circles, given only for phylum or class showing significant difference between groups), order, family, and genus (indicated by letter). The explanation is given below the cladogram. Indicator taxa with LDA scores of 3.5 or greater in the microbial communities (b). p phylum; c class; o order; f family; g genus; CD control diet; IM full-fat BSF (black soldier fly) larvae meal diet; DFIM defatted BSF larvae meal diet; DCIM de-chitinized BSF larvae meal diet; IO BSF larvae oil diet; EX BSF larvae exoskeleton diet

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