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Table 2 Differentially abundant1 bacterial co-abundance groups (BCG)2 and ungrouped amplicon sequence variants (ASV) across transitions3

From: Fecal microbiome of horses transitioning between warm-season and cool-season grass pasture within integrated rotational grazing systems


W 4

Taxonomic lineage 5



p__Firmicutes; c__Clostridia; o__Lachnospirales; f__Lachnospiraceae

p__Firmicutes; c__Clostridia



p__Firmicutes; c__Clostridia; o__Christensenellales; f__Christensenellaceae; g__Christensenellaceae _R-7_group

p__Bacteroidota; c__Bacteroidia; o__Bacteroidales; f__Rikenellaceae; g__Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group; s__uncultured_Rikenella



p__Firmicutes; c__Bacilli

  1. 1Differential abundance was analyzed by Analysis of Composition of Microbes (ANCOM) in Qiime 2 (v.2020.8)
  2. 2The ASV were grouped into BCG using Sparce Cooccurrence Network Investigation for Compositional Data in Qiime 2 (v.2020.8)
  3. 3Transitions from cool-season to warm-season grass versus from warm-season to cool-season grass
  4. 4For ANCOM, H0(ij): mean(log[xi/xj) = mean(log[yi/yj). The W value indicates the number of times H0(ij) is rejected for the ith species
  5. 5Taxonomic assignment was conducted using the most recent SILVA database (SSU 138)