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Fig. 3 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 3

From: Removal of leftover feed shapes environmental microbiota and limits houseflies-mediated dispersion of pathogenic bacteria in sow breeding farms

Fig. 3

Environmental microbiota modified the microbial structure of fecal bacteria in gestating sows, as well as the effect of residual feed from lactating sows on the global microbiota of the farrowing barn. (A and B) Differences in the percentage of the top 10 bacteria in relative abundance of fecal bacteria from lactating sows at the phylum level among BB, NFB and RFB. (C) Principal coordinate analysis of gestating sow fecal microbiota among BB, NFB and RFB. (D) Comparison of NFB and RFB regarding the contribution of different environmental regions including gestating sow crib, handrail and skin to fecal microorganisms in gestating sows. (E) Volcano plots of evaluation about the global microbial differences in samples of housefly, gestating sow feces and environmental regions including gestating sow crib, handrail and skin at the ASV level between NFB and RFB. (F) Volcano plots of evaluation about the global microbial differences in samples of housefly, gestating sow feces and environmental regions including gestating sow crib, handrail and skin at the genus level between NFB and RFB. BB, breeding barn; NFB, non-removal of leftover feed farrowing barn; RFB, removal of leftover feed farrowing barn; ASV, amplicon sequence variant

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