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Table 5 Chemical composition of feedstuffs fed to Holstein calves (Terler et al. [1])

From: Dietary carbohydrate sources differently prime the microbial ecosystem but not the epithelial gene expression profile along the complete gut of young calves


Medium quality hay

High quality hay


Dry matter (g/kg)

899 ± 24

877 ± 30

891 ± 13

Crude protein (g/kg DM)

149 ± 29

210 ± 11

193 ± 9

Ether extract (g/kg DM)

18 ± 3

24 ± 3

18 ± 2

Ash (g/kg DM)

76 ± 7

86 ± 3

39 ± 11

NDF1 (g/kg DM)

522 ± 24

455 ± 15

204 ± 12

ADF2 (g/kg DM)

329 ± 15

247 ± 11

66 ± 5

ADL3 (g/kg DM)

49 ± 7

23 ± 3

13 ± 2

NFC4 (g/kg DM)

235 ± 34

225 ± 16

547 ± 16

WSC5 (g/kg DM)

124 ± 34

205 ± 10


ME6 (MJ/kg DM)

9.4 ± 0.4

11.2 ± 0.2

13.5 ± 0.2

peNDF> 8mm7 (% DM)

38.0 ± 6.3

43.1 ± 0.5


  1. 1NDF = Neutral detergent fiber
  2. 2ADF = Acid detergent fiber
  3. 3ADL = Acid detergent lignin
  4. 4NFC = Non-fiber carbohydrates = (1,000 – ash – crude protein – ether extract – NDF)
  5. 5WSC = Water-soluble carbohydrates
  6. 6ME = Metabolizable energy
  7. 7peNDF>8 mm = physically effective NDF > 8 mm