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Fig. 4 | Animal Microbiome

Fig. 4

From: Host phylogeny and host ecology structure the mammalian gut microbiota at different taxonomic scales

Fig. 4

The gut microbiotas of conspecific African herbivores broadly converge, but also exhibit differences in their ASV abundances. We compared the gut microbiotas of eight species of herbivores residing in both the Masai Mara (this study) and Laikipia (Kartzinel et al. 2019) regions in Kenya. a PCoA plot constructed from Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrices. Each point represents a sample and is color-coded by host species; shape shading indicates geographic region (empty circles: Masai Mara, filled circles: Laikipia). b Heatmap of the 32 most abundant bacterial ASVs residing in the gut microbiotas of Masai Mara and Laikipia herbivores. Samples are grouped by host species, and are color-coded by host geographic region. c ASVs enriched in Masai Mara or Laikipia herbivores as determined by LEfSe. Each dot represents a unique ASV and is color-coded by host geographic region. A total of 212 ASVs are displayed (those with LDA > 3.2) and their family or genus level classification are on the x-axis

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